Sunday 6 October 2024

7th Oct Dreamscape 2024


Rather weird dream which I only remember a part of it.
- Going to the office with my dad . I was there as his assistant and I was in charge of interviewing all the candidates that came for interview that day. The weird thing was that there was just him and me and a group of candidates in an open interview and not where there is 1-1 in a private room. 
I addressed the group and let them to an open but covered area as we didn't want to be rained on if that were to happen. 
I called out the first candidate and started to write the candidate's name down on my notebook. 
The first question I asked was 
1) What was the most embarrassing encounter that you had in your life? 
The person gave an answer but I can't recall what she answered. 
2) What is the most successful thing you have done in your life? 
As the candidate was giving her answer another potential interviewee which was listening on at the side started to give her own comments about the answer. I was annoyed with that candidate and told her off immediate asking her to leave the interview area. She started protesting and I threaten to call the security guards to escort her out if she did not leave voluntarily.  The dream ended there.

Monday 23 September 2024

Dreamscape 23rd September 2024

Another night , another weird dream. This time I was window shopping and saw travelators leading to various enrichment classes in the building. I took the travelator that let to a Chinese enrichment class since I wanted to check out what they had to offer. There were two travelators side by side and I took the left one as indicated (to the chinese tution centre). It let downwards to the lower floors while the other led to the higher floors.  When I stepped off the travelator there were some posters in Chinese in front of the place. As I enter the place it looked weirdly different from a typical tution centre. There were a many kids ..mostly teenagers around. However instead of academics ( Chinese) there were all given like different color woollen like crazy hair to wear on their heads.. They were just sitting on white chairs with their weird woolen wigs not studying. The teacher there offered me one but I declined. 
2nd act - I decided to leave the place and it turned into those lazy river scenario whereby one has to enter the river to swim down to the "exit". I can't recall  if there were floats or if the teenagers were floating down . I saw some very young kids playing in the sand which was the pathway on route to the lazy river. They greeted me and called me Ms Goh.  I refused to enter the river as I felt that it wasn't the correct route out of the place and stayed on the sand. 

3rd Act - I flashed out to a busy street with department malls lining both sides of the road. I tried to identify the place that I was in but couldn't see any familiar landmark.  The closest I felt that I guess that I am in Bangkok shopping district and I was moving along the road seated on a flying dining table chair. There was a present under the chair and I took it up to unwrap. 

As I unwrapped the present the scene suddenly changed to a different place- This time a art & craft workshop. I was sitting infront of a kitting cross stitch kinda of loom. I pulled the cover open and out popped a pillow which fell onto me and I grabbed it. The pillow had a cross stitch pillowcase on it or sorts and the dream ended there. 


Thursday 13 June 2024

Dreamscape 13th June 2024


Another unusual dream , another unsolved mystery. It seems that these dreams normally happen before I have to wake up.  Not sure if the particular timing has any meaning also. 
This time around I remember clearly that I was at home with Riona we were both home together.  The house that we were in had  wall to wall floor to celling glass panels. There were no windows as it the glass could not be opened.

Scene 1 . 
It was a scene that kept on repeating in the action was the same . I was walking behind Riona and I carried her up as we exited the corridor. The only difference is that each time she had grown a bit and was like at different ages when I picked her up to carry her. The scene repeated like 3-4 times and she was between 1.5 to 5 yrs old I guess?? This is because she could already walk by herself steadily from the first time I picked her up to carry. 

Scene 2 
I was in a bathroom with a bathtub that could automatically change and flatten out like a foldable full size bathtub. It was running on auto and could change the depth and size of the tub by itself. I hesitant to go inside the tub for a dip as I didn't know when the tub will change it size and depth and I may not fit fully inside. However after monitoring how the tub worked I took a chance and went inside for a bath.

Scene 3.
I was in the living room I think looking out of the glass panel. The scene outside was the ocean and it looked really near like the ocean was within reach (like that sea aquarium hotel room in sentosa ). However this time around the scene outside the window wasn't that picturous and inviting. It seem that the apartment was "moving" as it was going lower down and nearer the water while looking outside. Ie: The flat used to be on the 5th floor then very soon it seem that you are on the ground level or even basement 1-4( Inside the ocean) . The brightness outside started to get dim as the apartment gets lower and lower underwater and everything outside the window gets very gloomy. You try to see if the apartment will move up the level back to surface level but the most you can get is like to basement one where only a glimpse of sunlight can be seen from the top of the window.

And the dream stopped there.


Wednesday 28 June 2023

29th June 2023 Dreamscape


I was at a friends house with a guy friend.. she had to leave early and we were to attend a party later on. She generously allowed us to borrow her clothes as we did not have anything suitable on. The girl left early as she had to break into school to steal some papers as she needed to make the literature grade in order to qualify for the party. 

The boy and I were in a room full of cupboards.  I opened the cupboard and found rows and rows of clothes. The unusual thing is that there were duplicates of the same blouse/ skirt in same colour of  different sizes. The clothes could fit toddlers to adults. This pattern repeated in the 2 big rooms that we visited. there was 1 for girls clothes and one for boys clothes. The guy picked out a purple shirt and black pants and I picked a light purple one sleeve blouse to match his outfit as we were going to the party as a couple. 

While moving around the large house to look for the bathroom to change clothes in we came across a room with many beds lined up side by side. There was an old lady  complaining about how hard the beds are and she was nagging why the beds in the old house were not brought here.  I think she was kinda mad and there were a few maids around her trying to persuade her to calm down. After a while she got into one of the beds and was coaxed by one of the maids to sleep. 

The weird thing was in the three toilets that I visited in the house were all broken. The 1st one had a red pail filled to the brim with water and there were some human waste in it. The other two had toilet bowls with broken parts so it cannot be used. In the end I decided to go outside to use the toilet instead. 

The scene now switched to a school. The rich girl friend of ours was seen climbing up to the classroom on the upper floor by scalling the lockers on the ground level. It was weird as she could have taken the stairs instead of doing such thing and trying to enter the place via the windows that were facing the other side of the corridor. There were two flip it stripes following her as she scaled the lockers. 

I was really curious to how it could actually help her achieve her aim like that. 

Change scene again. This time the guy and I were at the party. We were strutting around. He was glued to me with his hand around my waist. He was shirtless though I wondered where he ditched his shirt. He looked very happy walking around and I felt comfortable beside him.

Another change of scene - we were in a room having a meal. There was a baby on my lap ( not mine). It was a rather cute baby girl and I was to feed her some dessert which was like the chinese glutinous rice with milky coconut syrup. I was carefully feeding the baby spoon by spoon and an irritating old lady came around and wanted to feed the baby too. She put her finger in the food and tried to feed the baby with it. It was really disgusting I told her no and pushed her hand away. I wasn't polite with her and told her that no way I will allow her to feed the child and stopped feeding the baby with the food since she had contaminated it with her finger.  I asked the guy for water for the baby and he promptly handed me a milk bottle which had water in it.  Uncapping the bottle I gave it to the baby to drink. 

Sunday 4 December 2022

5th December 2022 Dreamscape


This time around there were many parts to it. I don't really remember the first few parts only the last part of the dream has a clearer imprint in my mind. 
Let me recount from what I remember - 

Part 1 - was with some kids who I am unfamiliar with. We were in a house and later on went to the shopping mall. One of the guys fell sick while at the mall and started vomiting on the steps while we were going down. I immediately walked away of him. Unfortunately some of his puke got onto my hand and I had to use a wet wipe to clean it off. I left the boy who I think was about 10 yrs old or so there with his friend to take care of him while  I looked for a rubbish bin to trash the used wet wipe.  The boy looked like to me suffering from Vax injury.  and was "sick" type. - "sick suddenly".. like those "died suddenly" . 

Part 2 - I ended up in a bus with secondary  school students from two different schools who were returning from some competition that they attended. I think it was like in some intergalactic bus as for one of the schools the girls all had purple hair.  The bus driver had issues driving the bus as there were obstacles on the road so I took over the wheel and guided the bus safely to the first school.  We initially wanted to stop the bus at the roundabout outside however there was a gigantic ant on the road (not sure if it was alive or a carcass) which compromised on the safety of the girls. I also could not stop the bus outside the adjacent rival school as they may attack the girls when they are moving from the bus to school so I drove all the way into their driveway before letting the girls alight safely.  Next we went to the other girl school to drop the other students off and the dream ended there. 

Saturday 29 October 2022

Dreamscape 30th Oct 2022


Last night I had another rather weird dream.   I was at my ex mothers house and Riona was still a baby. I can't remember why I was there but do remember that I was there with the ex father also. I'm not sure why the other 2 boys were not there only with Riona and she was busy playing with her cousins or so in another room.  When it was time to go off she offered to drop Riona and me at our house. I was hesitant as there is no way I want her to know where we are staying so I guided her to a public drop off site.  

She was given back to me diaper free which was shocking as she always had a clean diaper on. My sister was with me and she had a diaper with her. I took it from her and saw that it was a soiled one. I was quite pissed off that my ex-mother was so inconsiderate and didn't even bother to properly diaper her. 

Part 2 - I was carrying the bare bottom Riona in my hand and we went to Ikea. . It was rather strange as Riona wanted to go play in their play room and she was put through a tree slide. I waited at the bottom for her to emerge.  When she came out of the tree she was fully diapered but had lost the shirt dress she had on. 

Sunday 2 October 2022

Dreamscape 3rd Oct 2022


I was at my grandparents house I think we were visiting then suddenly the rooms became vacant and all the floors seemed flooded with water and it was not stagnant water. It looked as if there was a burst water main somewhere as water was flowing all over all across the room and filled up that 3 room flat from bedroom all the way to the kitchen. It wasn't like the water accumulated very quickly but was like up to your ankle only and was still flowing around you on the brown ceramic floor. 
I was with the ex -father of the kids I think and we decided to leave the place and go back to our own apartment as the place wasn't suitable to be in anymore. 
However on the way back we decided to pop into a cat cafe to play with cats. When we entered the cafe there weren't any cats brought out for us to play with as they were getting the cats ready for "work". The cats to me look very weird as it seems they were highly intelligent and could play different roles - Act cute, pretend to be pretty etc as if they were robot cats and not actual cats. Some were in dress up attires..some pretending to be babies and settle inside a baby basket and could even cover themselves up with the blanket.  While waiting in the lobby the cats were presented from the centre divider in the room one at a time and I had to lift my feet up as I didn't want the cats that came running in to the room to accidently swipe or bite me as it went past me as some of the cats look very vicious. They were all headed for the function room where the majority of the guest were. That function room was very packed and I didn't enter it at all choosing to stay outside in the lobby.