Saturday 10 August 2019

Aug Bible Studies Week 1 Reflection Questions

1)) God spoke the world into existence. We are told in the Bible that God’s Word will last for eternity. What do these truths tell us about the power of God’s Words? 

Gods word is everlasting and will not be dated throughout the years. It is relevant irregardless of which century we are in.

2) The words you use have consequences. They can bring life or death. How does this change your view of the words you use?

One must not use the tongue loosely or for evil. Being an educator this is even more important for me as what I say directly impacts my students and shapes their thinking.  I choose to use words that empower and uplift myself and others and keep to my standards. 

3. Take an inventory of your words lately. Based on the words you’ve been using, what is the condition of your heart?
The words that I am using are constantly evolving.They are less centered in feelings of unjust and more of peace and reflection.  I choose words that do not stir up bad and lingering unwelcome feelings.  I don't allow words to mess with my thoughts and give the DEVIL leeway to messing with my mind.

4. Who or what is controlling your mouth? What changes do you need to make to harness your mouth and use it for good?
Keep away from wayward thoughts and evil gossip mongers. Read the WORD and also keep following his ways so that my mouth is only used for GOOD and for praising him.

5. What effects do our words have on those around us?
We raise each other up and also encourage them to do their best. 


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