Friday 19 November 2021

Dreamscape 20th Nov


It was about rooms. I rented an  service apartment next to my family to stay.

I didn't really stay in it but my sister was there for a day. I warned her not to switch on the gas as I had a premotion from a year ago that there would be an explosion if  she did that. She stayed in the apartment and watched TV while with only a dim light switched on while I looked in from outside.

There was someone who asked why I didnt want to stay in the family compound and I replied that it was not Ideal.

2nd part with another two similar rooms but this time it seems like hotel room. One of the room was mine while the next door one was for a friend Nora.  I was over at hers and talking to her. Telling her that she should order the breakfast set or so as it was a good deal. 

The strange thing was that the comforter on the bed was white with green stripes and a part of the comforter was actually attached to the left wall by the bed and had green plants actually growing on it anchoring the comforter directly to the wall. It is like those randomly growing air plants appearing on the comforter. 


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